Baltimore Social Security Attorneys Discuss Social Security Disability Claims and Doctor’s Opinions

When representing claimants, Baltimore Social Security attorneys may be asked questions by the claimants’ doctors. Here are a few of the common questions and answers that legal representatives are fielded on the subject.
Why Does the Claimant Need My Medical Opinion?
Baltimore Social Security attorneys often explain to medical professionals that they are often asked to provide information about the impairments that their patients are affected by because physicians can provide a more accurate point of reference. Healthcare professionals may have treated the patient for years and may have more information about how the impairment has progressed with time. The treating physician may have the ability to provide a more accurate perspective on the medical evidence that the claimant would not be able to glean from looking at objective medical findings in isolation or by evaluating reports based on individual examinations, such as those consultative examinations that the Social Security Administration arranges. Additionally, opinions from treating physicians can also be more accurate because the need to prove impairments may not have arose until after the treatment was sought. The Social Security Administration gives special consideration to the opinions of the treating physician.
What Information Do I Need to Provide about the Claimant?
Baltimore Social Security attorneys can explain that the Social Security Administration may request a variety of information from the treating physician. The doctor may be asked to provide information about the nature severity of the claimant’s condition. He or she may also be asked about how long the impairment has existed. He or she may also be asked to assess how well the patient can function given the particular impairment and the effects of any treatment, such as taking medication. Additionally, the treating physician may be asked to opine how long the impairment may last or may impose limitations on the claimant.
Legal Assistance from Baltimore Social Security Attorneys
If you would like more information about common questions from doctors to Baltimore Social Security attorneys, contact Disability Benefits, Inc. at 800-899-7040.