How Your Attorney Can Work With You in Your Social Security Disability Claim

If you or a loved one suffer from a medical condition or illness that disables you from work, it’s important to understand whether or not you qualify for benefits. Having a qualified advocate in your corner, such as a Social Security disability attorney and accredited disability representative, can have great bearing on your claim’s chances of success.
How Your Baltimore Social Security disability lawyer and Advocate Evaluate Your Case
Experienced disability advocates have represented hundreds of clients before the Social Security Administration, so they understand the details of how the S.S.A. evaluates a claim. Your disability must be one that substantially hinders you from performing your work. The S.S.A. always starts by considering a specific list of impairments that generally qualify a person for S.S.D. Your attorney and advocate can review your claim and your specific disability, as well as evaluate any potential weaknesses in your case. They can help you prepare claim forms and all supporting medical documentation that you should submit with your application.
When Your Claim is Denied
Unfortunately, many claims for disability benefits are denied at the outset. When that happens, you do have the right to appeal. However, the appeals process can seem like an uphill battle. In that scenario, your attorney or advocate can review your claim. Sometimes, denials happen due to simple mistakes in the initial forms. More often, claims are rejected for either missed deadlines or inadequate supporting documentation. Your attorney or advocate can help put you in touch with the appropriate medical professionals who can evaluate your condition and prepare a proper report detailing how it disables you from work as the case may be.
Your attorney or advocate can also represent you before the administrative law judge during your appeal. While there is no guarantee you will receive benefits at all, much less a certain amount, your attorney or advocate can use his years of experience working on claims like yours to fight for you. The sooner you seek legal help, the better.
Representation from a Social Security Disability Attorney or Accredited Disability Representative
To speak to a skilled, accredited disability representative and/or Baltimore social security disability lawyer, contact Disability Benefits, Inc. To make an appointment for an initial consultation with Ken Pilla and explore your best legal options, call(800) 848-6210.