Helpful Tips When Applying for Social Security Benefits

Many claimants who apply for Social Security benefits face rejection at the outset of the process. While a skilled Social Security ADR or our Baltimore Social Security lawyers cannot guarantee your benefits claim will succeed, there are certain things you can do to strengthen your case and mistakes you can avoid with knowledge of the process.
Providing Adequate Medical Information
A disability claim is based on the applicant’s inability to work or perform job duties due to a medical condition. Therefore, it’s important to indicate what type of medical condition or illness you have. The S.S.A. will require documentation on that condition. Claimants can run into trouble if they fail to seek medical treatment or follow a doctor’s advice regarding any medical condition.
Continued Employment Explained By Our Baltimore Social Security Lawyers
Again, the crux of a disability claim is the applicant’s inability to work. If the applicant is still working, that undercuts the argument that he or she is disabled at all. Talk to your disability advocate about what to do if you have continued to work.
Keep Track of Your Claim
You will likely have to submit to a medical examination by the S.S.A. If you file a claim, make sure you follow up on it. If you miss your appointment with the medical examiner, you risk having your claim rejected before it goes any further. Certain deadlines must be met after the initial application is filed. Your attorney and accredited disability representative can help you stay on top of those deadlines.
Don’t Give Up Easily
There are a variety of reasons why such a majority of disability cases are rejected immediately, but the most common include failing to file appropriate paperwork on time, and inadequate documentation. Your legal advocates can help you avoid these simple mistakes. Additionally, you should know that many cases initially rejected are later approved after the appeals process. If you are rejected, don’t give up. Talk to your attorney and advocate about how to file a proper appeal to pursue your claim.
Putting a qualified advocate and Social Security ADR in your corner can help you avoid many of the pitfalls claimants face when trying to get Social Security Benefits. Contact Disability Benefits, Inc. for more information. Call (800) 848-6210 to schedule an appointment for an initial consultation.